Scrambled eggs brain. Does that sound familiar sometimes? I know it does for me. We may feel scrambled when we have a lot on our brains – when we’re thinking about all of the tasks and ideas that keep floating around, especially as overwhelmed stay at home moms. And then the next thing we know, we forget what they were. We then need to unscramble those things we forget about. Sound familiar? Today on the blog, I’m sharing about how to unscramble your brain with a braindump.
Having too many ideas and not jotting them down somehere can lead to a scrambly brain. Enter braindumping to help!
“Your mind is for having ideas, not holding them. There is no reason to ever have the same thought twice, unless you like having that thought.”
— David Allen, author of Getting Things Done
In my definition: A braindump is essentially writing your “brain down on paper”. It’s writing down everything and anything (usually tasks or ideas) that comes to mind that keeps floating around in there. You can get fancier by categorizing or prioritizing too.
“Definition of a brain dump: the act or an instance of comprehensively and uncritically expressing and recording one’s thoughts and ideas (as on a particular topic). Instead, Shafer recommends doing a brain dump—getting workflow, ideas, commitments, and to-do lists out of your head and onto a physical list and calendar.”
— Stephanie Vozza
“First”, you do a giant brain dump to force yourself to clear out the mental clutter and face head-on all the contradictory goals and obligations that are crowding your days.”
— Jessica Stillman
Ok, now we all understand what a braindump specifically is now. Right? Does braindumping sound good yet? Need a good braindump right now?
How to unscramble your brain with a braindump: tips for making braindumps
Keep a notebook or digital notepad handy for those times you really need to write things down. I’m a big fan of bullet journaling. So much so that after years of bullet journaling, I created my own simple planner that’s based on the method, but has a twist that’s uniquely mine. You can check out my planner called My Simple Planner HERE.
Add to your braindump as you go throughout the day (because there’s nothing more annoying than waking up at 3am remembering something lol! Been there).
Revisit your braindump when feeling less scrambled eggs and decide what to do with those things. Move, remove, or get done.
Here is another blog that has more braindumping tips here.
Braindumping to unscramble your brain is a relatively simple concept and when put into practice, it can be so helpful. Make sure to have supplies on hand, braindump as needed, and enjoy!
Unscramble your brain by writing your braindump down
Part of the problem many of us have is that we have sooo much floating around our brains and just leave it sitting there. The solution? Write it down. Write it allll down. My Simple Planners all have spaces for daily braindumping to get those things floating around brain. Find them all in my shop HERE! My best seller is my foldable Simple Weekly Planner.
Other blogs on braindumping: